Archive for June, 2008

Sparkle Girl’s Diary XXIV

Dear Diary,

I don’t have to ride in a car seat anymore but I still I have to ride in the back seat.

Sometimes when we need just a little something at the grocery store Kim or Momma will run into the store and the other one will wait in the car with me and Doobins. When we do that, Kim or Momma lets me sit behind the steering wheel and pretend that I am driving.

It is a lot of fun. Once, when I was little, I said I was driving to Hawaii. Kim said that I could drive as far as California but that, after that, we would have to take a boat because there aren’t any roads between California and Hawaii.

I didn’t know that Hawaii was an island then. But now I know that it is an island, more than one actually. I also know that the state mammal is the humpback wahle and the state flower is the hibiscus because it is one of the states that I did a project on in school.

One day just me and Kim were in the car. We were riding on the road so I was in the back seat. He was in the front seat driving. He got all excited and said, “Oooh! Oooh!”

I got all excited because I thought maybe he was thinking that we should go get some ice cream.

“What?” I said.

“Now that Halloween is coming up, we could drive over to the Methodist Church and get some of those tiny white pumpkins that you and your mother like so much.”

I said that I thought that was a good idea. But I wished I hadn’t thought he was thinking about ice cream because even though the white pumpkins are nice they are not as good as ice cream. I didn’t say anything though because I didn’t want to make him feel bad.

Sparkle Girl