Archive for June, 2008

Sparkle Girl’s Diary XXIII

Dear Diary,

No other people live in Kim’s house. But he doesn’t live by himself. He lives with Buster. Buster is a dog. Buster has another name, too. His other name is His Dogness.

Kim says that His Dogness has a lot of idiosyncrasies. I asked him what that meant, and he said that it is a nice way of saying that His Dogness is a nut.

One of His Dogness’s idiosyncrasies is that he will drink water only from his water dish outside. Kim says that he used to drink inside and outside but that, for as long as I have been alive, he drinks water only outside.

Kim keeps a bowl filled with fresh water at the foot of the steps in front of his house. The bowl is made out of stainless steel.

The birds like to drink out of the bowl, too. They come and perch on the edge of the bowl and lean in and have a drink of water. If the water got really low, they would not be able to reach it so Kim tries to make sure it always has plenty of water in it.

Some birds use the bowl as a birdbath. They splash around. Some of them poop in it when they are splashing around. When Kim finds poop in the bowl, he has to dump out the water and start over.

Even though we would not be mean to the birds, they fly away if we come out of the house while they are drinking. They fly away if drive up and get out of the car while we are drinking, too.

So, when we see a bird drinking when we drive up, we might sit quietly in the car until it is done.

If it is a little bird, it might have to lean way in to get a drink. Those are my favorite.

Sparkle Girl