Sparkle Girl’s Diary XXVII

Dear Diary,

Momma and me were riding back from delivering some of her art to Gwenn at the Fat Cat gallery. Gwenn is really nice.

Usually, she has some cookies and juice out for the people who come in. When she doesn’t have any cookies she still has mints. There used to be a pet store next door to her gallery. Doobins and me would go over and play with the cats.

The pet store closed so Doobins doesn’t like to go to the gallery anymore. I still like to go. I like to visit with Gwenn, and I like to play with the purple fairy that one of the artists made. So far, it is still there whenever we go in.

On the ride back, I said to Momma, “Why do people say, ‘I’m on top of the world?'”

“They want everyone to know that they are really happy,” she said.

“But, if you were on top of the world wouldn’t you be really cold because you would be at the North Pole?”

“That’s a good point,” Momma said.

I know I would be cold. Sometimes, when we go into the grocery store, I am sorry that I don’t have a sweater on because the air conditioning is really cold. It’s especially cold by the vegetables. It’s like an open refrigator.

I might have to wear five sweaters at one time if I went to the North Pole.

Sparkle Girl

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