Sparkle Girl’s Diary XXI

Dear Diary,

Momma tells me that I am really lucky to have Doobins for a brother. She says that one day I will be amazed that God gave me a such a wonderful gift in my life.

I believe Momma because she always tells me the truth.

But sometimes having a brother doesn’t seem like a wonderful gift. Sometimes he makes me so mad that I push him even though I am never supposed to do that. And sometimes he gets mad at me and hits me even though he is never supposed to do that.

Sometimes, though, I can see what Momma is talking about. Last night I had a headache so bad that I had to close my eyes because the light hurt them. Momma gave me some medicine and told me that I could go lie down with the lights out.

Doobins gave me a hug and got an ice pack out of the refrigerator and put it on my pillow. It was one of those hard ice packs that I don’t like but it is the thought that counts. Then he got me a bag of cereal so that I could have a snack in bed.

When I climbed under the covers, he put a blanket on my chest and tucked it up around my neck so that I would feel snug.

My head still hurt just as much but I felt a lot better anyway.

Sparkle Girl

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