Sparkle Girl’s Diary XIII

Dear Diary,

Momma is good at making up words. She made up Doobins’ nickname all by herself, and she made up a nickname for me, too. Sometimes she calls me Nimeroo.

Doobins is good at making up words, too. There is a Web site where he likes to go with Kim to look at movies of Lego characters acting out scenes from Star Wars.

Doobins has never seen Star Wars because Momma thinks it is too grown up for him.
But it is OK for him to see Lego Star Wars.

He didn’t know what the name of the Web site was so he started calling it Frumple. After supper, he would say, “I want to go to Frumple and see Lego Star Wars.”

Doobins is good at expressions, too. He and I saw a preview for a movie that has a panda in it. He likes to eat dumplings but he doesn’t like to climb stairs.

We watched the preview with Kim 10 times in a row, and it made us laugh every time.

Once, when he stopped laughing, Doobins said, “It makes my cheeks go boing-boing.”

Sparkle Girl

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