Sparkle Girl’s Diary VI

Dear Diary,

We all went to the grocery store. When Momma was getting some blackberry jam for Doobins (his favorite) she noticed the Nutella. In case, you don’t know what that is, it is chocolate and hazelnut. You can put it on something or you can eat it right off the spoon.

“Oooh, I haven’t had any of that in a while,” Momma said.

“You should get some,” said Kim.

Momma put it in the cart with the jam and the peach gelatin packs that we were getting for me to take to school for my snack. Doobins was in the cart, too. He still likes to ride in it. He is too big to ride in that part where you stick your legs through so he rides in the big part.

Sometimes, while Momma is picking out fruit, Kim spins the cart around with Doobins in it. That makes him smile.

On the aisle where they keep things in freezers, Doobins said, “I need a treat.”

“All right,” said Kim.

“You don’t need a treat,” said Momma.

“What is that Nutella?” Kim said.

“Point taken,” Momma said.

Doobins picked out ice cream sandwiches.

Back at the house, I said that maybe I could take a peanut butter and Nutella sandwich to school for my snack one day.

“That sounds like a good combination,” said Momma.

Kim said, “What do you think would be another good combination, Sparkle Girl?”

“Peanut butter and mayonaise,” I said

I don’t really think it would be a good combination. I just said that because I felt like it.

Signed, Sparkle Girl

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