Sparkle Girl's Diary XIV

Dear Diary,

On Thursday, Momma’s back went out. On Friday, she went over to see Scotty and sat down in a chair on Scotty’s porch. She couldn’t stand up when it was time to go home because it hurt so much.

She called Kim at work. He came over. He and Scotty tried to help Momma out of the chair so that she could go lie down. She thought she would be OK if she could lie down.

When they tried, she told them to stop because it hurt so much. They had to call the ambulance people. When they came, the two ambulance people couldn’t get her out either because it hurt so much. They called another ambulance. When it came, all four of the ambulance people picked her up as gently as they could.

It still hurt a lot.

They took her to the hospital where they gave her a shot to make her feel better. I was in school so I didn’t see it.

Doobins went to the hospital with Kim. Kim bought Doobins a cup of chocolate ice cream even though he hadn’t eaten breakfast yet because he was so good about being at the hospital.

Scotty picked me up at school. I didn’t expect to see her but there she was. She told me about the ambulance people.

After we got home, Doobins and Momma and Kim came home. That’s when Doobins told me that he was so good that he got to eat a cup of chocolate ice cream even though he hadn’t eaten breakfast.

Momma was better than she was when she was stuck in the chair but it still hurt her so much when she got out of the car that her face got all red and she cried.

I cried, too.

I hope she never gets stuck in a chair ever again.

Sparkle Girl

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