Sparkle Girl A

Dear Diary,

Today is the first day of summer vacation. You are my new diary. Momma gave you to me this morning at breakfast. She said that the glitter on your pink cover made her think of me. I think you are very beautiful.

Today, I am going to tell you about some of the people in my life. That way you will know who they are when I write about them. Momma’s real name is Garnet. She paints pictures and takes care of me and Doobins.

Doobins is my brother. I am older than he is. We have a cat named Poos Maloose. He is black.

Kim is our friend. He has a girl’s name but he is a boy. He lives with Buster. Buster is a dog. Buster’s other name is His Dogness.

My grandparents are Sweet Kathy and Wild Tim. Wild Tim is building a barn. After he finishes building the barn, he is going to build a house. They already have one house. It is in Mocksville. It takes half an hour to get there.

We have lots of good neighbors. One of them is Scotty. She lives next door. She knows how to make knots with ropes. She said that this summer she is going to teach me how to tie some knots.

I have an aunt and uncle and some cousins, too. I know you already have a lot to remember so I will tell you about them another time.

Sparkle Girl

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